14 July, 2013

Week XXIII: Babel, Pt. 3 - The Tower

Behold and admire the ascendant spiral
Its apses refuse elemental decay
The buffeting winds whistle sweet from the spire
A song of delight in hearts of clay

The ritual held in hubristic design
Its sacred geometry traced in the earth
Beset by the glory of untethered minds
Expanding in measures as merits of worth

The scribes of the book of life noted the plans
That records eternal of human misdeeds
Be weighted against all the mortar and sand
Constituent blocks of heretical creeds

They thought not to sacrifice well to the Gods
Assuming the mantle, denying the source
The slaves of the word ignorant of their bonds
Played masters and fools in proverbial farce

The builders united, their language as one
Their tower still climbing, erect in the sky
Its foundation thought to be never undone
Forgetting the dust and the ashes inside

The God in the word and the word in the flesh
The vessel imperfect, its content divine
The great incongruity, ignorant, blessed
Prescribing the tongue and distorting the mind

A gilded processional purchased the gaze
The letters incarnate, the eyes and the wise
As forbears of Sisyphus carried the stones
And bid the apocryphal prophets arise

And all there were gathered to hear of the word
Creation's custodians circled the square
The carrion majesties screamed to be heard
As the sun became black as a sackcloth of hair

The words fell upon them as arrows and darts
Divine retribution confounded their speech
The wheat and the chaff were torn apart
Their dissonant tongues now beyond common reach

The scribes at the veil slowly lifted the cloth
They gazed on the words and the discord they made
Indignant and jealous as God in his wroth
Despised his creations in flesh and in name

Woe to the vessels who mourn for the loss
The tower, the tongue, the letters confused
Consumed by their misery, bearing the cross
They fell down in Babylon

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